The Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI) is a body of scholars holding the degree of doctor, or similar appropriate status, who are specialists in Arabic and Islamic studies. Its purpose is to facilitate meetings and the exchange of ideas and information among Arabists and Islamicists. It does so principally by holding a Congress every two years in order to promote research into Arabic and Islamic studies. The official seat of the UEAI is in Switzerland.


Responsible for formulating and carrying out the tasks of the UEAI are the General Assembly (art. 3), the Council (arts. 4, 5) and the Executive Committee (arts. 6-8).


On the occasion of each biennial Congress, the members of the UEAI meet in the General Assembly. The tasks of the General Assembly are:

(1) to pass the report of the activities engaged in by the Council and the Executive Committee during the past two years; a motion of non-confidence concerning a member of the Council or the Executive Committee can be introduced by at least three members and requires a two-thirds majority of the members present.

(2) to put forward, and vote on, resolutions and suggestions concerning matters other than those contained under (1).

An extraordinary, second General Assembly can be convened at a Congress either at the request of an absolute majority of members on the Council or the Executive Committee, or an absolute majority of UEAI members present, who introduce their request by means of a motion such as described under (1).


The UEAI is governed by a Council made up of National Representatives, who must be UEAI members.

If the national members are willing to nominate a new National Representative, they have to convene in the Congress before the General Assembly and elect a new National Representative from among the national members who are present. An absolute majority of the national members present is required. After the nomination, the national members inform the President of the nomination and the President informs the General Assembly about the new nomination.

The election of a National Representative for this Council is the sole responsibility of the UEAI members of the country they act for and cannot in any way be furthered by an appeal to members from outside that country. The President (see art. 6) may require that the name of that elected National Representative be submitted to him in writing corroborated by the signatures of an absolute majority of the members of the country in question present in the Congress.

Countries which have five or more members in the UEAI may appoint one national representative. Countries with 4 members or fewer may together put forward one representative.


Through the agency of its Council, the UEAI coordinates research in a spirit of international cooperation, establishes schemes of research, and encourages collaboration between researchers or research centres. Council members mediate in the publicizing of suggestions received from their respective compatriots.

The Council fixes the place and approximate date of the next Congress guided by the principle of rotation between the various countries and acting on the basis of suggestions received, and entrusts the organization of the Congress to one member in the city of venue. Exceptionally, the Council may give the next Congress for a non-member to organise in collaboration with a member.


The Council elects the Executive Committee, which comprises a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary General, a Deputy Secretary General and a Treasurer. Members of the Executive Committee are elected for four years and are re-eligible for one further four-year term. The Treasurer may be re-elected without limits.

The elections to the Executive Committee take place before the closing session of the Congress. In order to be elected, candidates must on either of the first two ballots receive an absolute majority of the votes of those present; on the third a simple majority suffices.

When a place on the Executive Committee falls vacant between Congresses, the remaining members are entitled to choose a provisional replacement until such an appointment can be confirmed or modified at the next Council meeting.


The task of the Executive Committee is to handle the affairs of the UEAI, to carry out the decisions of the General Assembly and the Council, and to take whatever measures are necessary to facilitate and coordinate research work in the European countries represented on the Council.


The President of the Executive Committee is also the President of the UEAI and of the Council representing the UEAI vis-à-vis outside bodies and convening and presiding over the meetings of the General Assembly and the Council.

The Vice-President deputises for the President at the latter's request or if the latter is indisposed.

The Secretary General divides tasks evenly between his/her office and that of the Deputy Secretary General; in consultation with the President both offices are responsible for the administrative work ensuing from decisions taken in the General Assembly, the Council and the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the UEAI following the decisions taken in the General Assembly, the Council and the Executive Committee; at every Congress he/she presents a report; in addition, shortly before each Congress, his/her financial management is audited by a UEAI member put forward by the Executive Committee and elected at the previous Congress by an absolute majority vote of the members present in the General Assembly; the auditor presents his/her findings to the General Assembly.


As from October 4, 1986, members of the UEAI are those persons who were members of the UEAI before October 4, 1986. As from that date the following may be admitted to membership:

(a) scholars holding the degree of doctor or similar appropriate status, who are engaged in the activities mentioned in article 1 and who are nationals of European countries;

(b) scholars holding the degree of doctor or similar appropriate status, who are not nationals of European countries but who live in Europe and are engaged in scholarly activities and research in Arabic and Islamic studies.

(c) Advanced PhD students whose supervisor is a UEAI member are welcome to present a research paper at UEAI congresses as Junior Members of the UEAI. Applications for UEAI Junior Membership should include: (1) a CV of the applicant and (2) a letter of recommendation from their supervisor. These documents should be forwarded to the UEAI Secretary General through the respective National Representatives before the registration for the congress. Junior Members may become Full Members of the UEAI upon receiving their doctorate, while following the regular process of application for full membership. Junior Members of the UEAI do not pay the membership fee. However, they will pay the same conference fees as full UEAI members.

(d) The General Assembly may elect distinguished scholars as honorary members. Honorary members do not have to pay the UEAI membership fee. However, they will pay regular conference fees for UEAI congresses.

Proposals for awarding Honorary Membership should be made directly to the President at least a week prior to the next Congress. The President will discuss the proposal with the Executive Committee and the Council of the National Representatives. The Award of Honorary Membership will be decided and approved by simple majority vote of the members present at the General Assembly. A secret vote may be held in this regard, if requested.

The organizer may issue invitations to the Congress to a limited number of non-members.


Anyone wishing to become a member of the UEAI shall have their name and a short curriculum vitae put forward by two UEAI members to the National Representative of their country. Having ascertained the applicant's eligibility, the National Representative sends the full documentation to the Secretary General, who will request the organizer of the next Congress to extend an invitation. During the Congress the Executive Committee accepts new members after verifying the documents, and the Secretary General informs the General Assembly of the new members. In order to be accepted, the applicant must read a paper in the Congress.

Members-to-be whose countries are not represented on the UEAI's Council shall address themselves directly to the Secretary General.


The Council and the Executive Committee convene once every two years, on the occasion of the Congress. If the necessity thereto arises, the Executive Committee may convene also on other occasions.


Every member of the UEAI shall pay an annual subscription which is due at the beginning of every year following the request of the Treasurer. New members commence payments in the year following the Congress they attended first. The amount is decided by the General Assembly at the suggestion of the Executive Committee.


Membership is forfeited by nonpayment of dues during two consecutive years.


The sums generated by membership dues are administered by the Treasurer subject to the agreement of the President. They serve to meet the administrative expenses of the Executive Committee, as well as to finance other projects. The UEAI may receive gifts in kind.


In order to prepare and present the results of scholarly work, the Council may set up subcommittees. It may invite members of the UEAI who are not members of the Council to participate in the work of such subcommittees.


The ordinances of the UEAI laid down in this Constitution may be altered by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present at a General Assembly.


The UEAI can abolish itself only when a four fifths majority of its members present in the General Assembly votes in favour of this. After all its liabilities have been duly dealt with, its remaining assets will be donated to some pertinent public institutions of learning by the last Executive Committee.

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